Pokemon meet up at 5 today!
Pokémon meet up Monday at 5!
Join us to draw and voice your Pokemon concerns and annoyances!
Pokémon is a vast world filled with many cool creatures!! At this point there are probably over a 1,000 Pokémon! More than enough to draw for what is called the 100 day challenge where students draw the same subject matter for 100 days! Our fearless Danielle will lead the group in 40 minutes of Pokemon conversation and art.
Pay what you will. Email artwithamystudio@gmail.com to join on. Pictured: Danielle’s drawing of Snivy.
Today will be our first meet up. If another time works better for you let us know.
More workshops on the way:
-Create and draw your own character/ a writing and drawing workshop
-Make a diorama
-Make a zine- tiny booklet
-Tea time with Amy
If you have other ideas please reach out.
Daily 11am and 2;30 classes ongoing.
With love from my bunker,
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Join us for all things Pokemon
drawing of Snivy by Danielle