AWA on Zoom

HI all-

From here on out I will be offering 11 am art meet ups. These will a fun 30 minutes of talking about and sharing art, dreams, thoughts, jokes and sometimes music. I will be giving an art assignment each class. All are welcome. These meet ups feel like a party line. If we start to get too crowded happy to add on. If you'd like to donate any amount to help keep the AWA studio running during these difficult times i am enclosing my Venmo.

Here's the link for the 11am meet up:

Topic: AWA art fun every morning at 11:00 am
Time: Mar 19, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Afternoon art class
This link is for students who normally come to the studio on a certain day. If you'd like to drop in on these that's fine with me. i expect these are smaller groups and the kids pretty much know one another.

i set this up as a 2;30-3 and 3-3;30 time. Thinking this will soon just be one long meeting. i’m trying all this out to see what works best.

Topic: AWA studio art class Part 1 - 2:30 pm
Time: Mar 19, 2020 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Topic: AWA studio art class Part 2 - 3:00 pm
Time: Mar 19, 2020 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 502 298 448

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i am putting together a hands art history classes for kids. These classes are limited to 6 students per class. We'll be using museum virtual tours and will be touring all over the world.

I’m working on a list of short daily workshops that you can sign on to as well.

If you have any ideas that you'd like to see happen please let me know.

Hoping to see your faces soon

ps please excuse my giant venmo…it’s just the way it appears…
